Video: Speak Your Emotions

Dr. Sunshine can let stress get the best of her- leading to anxiety. She finds it so helpful to take a moment to really delve into the emotions behind the anxiety and express them.

  1. Find the word- express the emotion

  2. Share with a trusted person.

  3. Find space and time to move. Use clumsy, funky movements or dance it out. Use a mirror if possible.

  4. Allow your body to re-wire how you are holding the emotion.

  5. Consciously re-direct the brain to a new leading energy.

  6. When the emotion comes up. Name it again. Move thru it again. And redirect the brain toward energy that is supportive.

In Dr. Sunshine’s example:

  1. She realized her anxiety and stress was not about elderberry.

    Her anxiety was actually about fearing that everyone would think she was an idiot.

    Name it: Fear that I’ll be seen as a fool.

  2. Shared the fear with Jody (this required stopping other distracting busy work that Dr. Sunshine was doing in order to solve the believed cause of the stress).

  3. Move thru it: released with tears, hugs, weighted blanket.

  4. Re-wire it: meditation and qigong work to recognize how uptight the body had become.

  5. Conscious re-direction: She conjured the sensation of self-honor and cultivated a loving honor for the inner wisdom in all the people who might question her idiocy.

  6. Repeat: When the stress thoughts returned, she named the fear of being thought an idiot. And re-placed that thought with honor for truth and the inner wisdom of well-meaning people.

  7. 10,000 times: Repeat with creative expressions to rewire body.


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